Sunday, September 12, 2010

People Who Make A Difference

U.S. History II

Welcome to U.S. History II.  In this class we will be talking about US History from the early 20th century until the present.  In that time, there have been many changes in this country in the areas of technology, civil rights, women's rights, immigration, economics, the environment, education, and of course sports and entertainment.  At some point or another we will be talking about all of them.

Your task for this first blog is to pick someone that you believe has had a major impact on the history of America in the last 100 years.  Tell me who they are/were, what they did, who they affected and then explain what kind of influence they have had on this country.  Make sure you justify your answers. 

Make sure that you put some thought into who it is that you choose and why.  You are expected to answer in at least one paragraph using 5-7 well developed sentences, although you may certainly type more.  I would suggest typing your answer in word or Google Docs to spell check it before you cut and paste it into the blog. 

You will have two weeks to post.  If you do not have internet access at home, check out the Library during your lunch. If you already have what you want to type written out, it will take you no time at all to post.  I am also available after school if you need to stay for a bit to make sure you post on time.  Please remember that once you post, your work will be available for the rest of the class to see and you will get a grade for your work.  Use formal speech please, no text speak.

Good luck and good typing!


Unknown said...

Martin Luther King Jr. - He was a leader and a itelligent person. He changed peoples minds around the world.Martin Luther King Jr. fought in what was right and though people thretened him and pushed him down he got back up and stood strong.The kind of influence he had was good because chane and equality is good and thats what he fought for. Though i believe that he was killed because people were afraid of change and wanted to be on top (which is very simple minded) he still was and is impacting the world with his famous speech ans good duties.

Johnnykenkelen said...

Lady Gaga. She inspires me so much. She's not afraid to be herself. And she definetly is unique. She fights for the gay community. And soldiers. And she always does speaches in Washington D.C. Her concerts are even inspirational. That's what she inspires people to do, be themselfs. She was always taunted in school for being different and wearing the clothes that she does. Now she wears what she wants, does what she wants, and acts how she does because shes comfortable. You may think your not thin enough, or pretty enough, or funny enough, or good enough, or maybe your gay and your friends and family disown you, but she tought me that none of that matters. Cause we were born this way, and we shouldn't be scared to be ourselfs.

jamar said...

Barack Obama made a difference in this country in the last 100 years. He is the 1st black president this country has ever had. He is an inspiration because he inspires everyone to believe that they can do anything. If you a person can become the first black president, everyone in this country should never lose hope in life and believe that they can do anything.

keenan said...

Barrack Obama - He makes a difference because he influences a lot of african americans that they can accomplish anything. He has the most powerful job in America , and makes a difference to youth that believe they are worth nothing. He also is making a difference in the country and is trying to make it better, and pull us out of the slump we are in. He accomplished a lot of things in his life and is a role model for not only african americans , but any american that believe they can be somebody , which makes a huge difference in our economy.

mstewart26 said...

Bill Gates- He had a huge impact on this world by creating the promgram that basically every computer uses whicch is called mircosoft. It affected everyone in the United States that uses a personal computer. It is the most known word proccesing system that any computer uses that uses the windows operating system. He infulence the country by helping people by making it easier to do reports and do anything that does with writting work. It stead of the hard time writting something you can type it with multipul acessories.

Rene said...

I think Michael Jackson had an impact on the world in the last 100 years. He was a singer/dancer and changed the way people made music. Michael had a unique style that made him special. He influenced the world to make and listen to music. He still impacts the world with his music and his famous move the moonwalk.

tgleason8 said...

Michael Jackson- Michael Jackson was the king of pop music. Everyone listened to, and loved his music. He was famed as the greatest pop star that ever lived. He basically created his own dance that people do to this day. Michael influenced young minds about the history of pop, and the geatness about it. Even though Michael Jackson deceased, people still love and listen to his music to this day. Michael affected what pop music is today. The greatness of it and how it was when Michael was around. Michael Jackson will always be remember as the greatest pop star that ever lived. He is still influencing young minds till this day.

samillat1 said...

Personally I feel that Willis Carrier had a very big impact on US History. Willis Carrier was the Inventor of Air Conditioning. Most Americans today in hot summer weather could not live without an air conditioner and we thank Willis Carrier for this. Mr. Carrier as you may know was an inventor from the eastcoast. Many people before him tired to make a cooling system, but he was the ONLY one successful of making this happen. The impact Mr.Carrier had on people were great he solved a very big problem that today almost all Americans are thankful for after a hot day outside to come in and feel cool air circling your house.

Unknown said...

Bill Gates- I think Bill Gates has been a very influential person in America. He made the technology thats used all around the world today. It makes work, school, business, and even home projects so much easier. When Bill Gates first introduced Microsoft it was a revolution for technology. Without Microsoft it would be difficult to print out the wedding invitations, the business papers, the posters, the flyers, and who could forget the school reports. Bill Gates and his invention of Microsoft has made a big difference in history.

kristen said...

Al Gore has been extremely influential in America and even the world. He made aware the damaging affects of Global Warming and continues to find ways to improve the enviroment. When he was called a liar by those in denial, he found even more evidence to covince the nation that change was strongly needed. Because of him people are more aware. People are still following his efforts today.

Unknown said...

I believe that Oprah Winfrey had a great inpact on the history of America in many ways. Oprah has solved many social dissagrements such as racisim and abuse. She is a great role model on many women, teenage girls, and even some men. Her topics reach out to people of different cultures, races, religions, and ages. Oprah has change the wolrd by setteling disputes between different people with different opinions. When she notices unjust situations, she attacts the system to fix the issue. for example, Oprah fights hard for education and people respect her for that. She is a great leader and i don't know where America would be without her.

Aki O. said...

Aki O .

Malcolm X - He was a powerful speaker , and also a devoted civil rights follower . Although he thought a little differently than others , Malcolm X believed in standing up too someone , and fighting back . Most people followed him because they were tired of being treated unequally. Malcolm X inspired people too stand up for themselves , and to fight for their rights . Don't ever hold back on anyone .

shea!!!!!!!!!!!!! said...

I believe that Bill Cosby is a great leader. I made this judgemnt due to the fact that he inspired many to do what they love. He kept doing comedy besides the fact of nasty rumors, all the criticism, and a death of a loved one he kept moving forward. He became one of the lrgest comedians known to man. He shows kids to be themselves, and liv life while your young. He has inspired many and still lives in our home on our tv doing stuff we all know and love.

Ray said...

Bill Gates. He was a major impact over the entire country because he was able to personalize computers. He created a multi-billion dollar company where he was able to create software and hardware for the entire world. Bill Gates was able to transfer supercomputers to using a laptop or notebook computer. Bill Gates made an operating system that is the choice for schools, companies, and the government. Bill Gates has also donated over half of his estate to charities. In reality Bill Gates made such an impact because he was just a normal guy and he surpassed having 101 billion dollars. He also works worldwide with charities. Another reason I chose Bill Gates is because he is an inspiration to me, mainly because I'm in computer science. He inspired me to create great software and even greater programs. He's also had to defend himself for having a monopoly but really nobody had any better ideas.

jayla said...

Mary McLeod Bethune. She was an American Educator and she is also my great cousin. She is important to the world because she mad education for blacks. If it wasn't for her, blacks wouldn't have education right till this day. When she was living she started a school for blacks that eventually turned into Bethune-Cookman University. She is also an important person in history today is that she was a slave but still didn't let those people get in her way she fought for what she believed in. If white people can get an education why can’t black people have the same right? She made me think that I can do anything if I put my best foot forward.

achance31 said...

The person who inspires me is Obmama . He inspires me and people around the world because he dared to be diffrent and didnt care what people had to say about it . He was bold enought to step out and go for his dreams and fufil them . That's inspiring to many people and not just African Americans but people of all races , he inspires people to do what they want . Thats who made a diffrence in my life and many other people around the world .

bsh said...

Barack Obama has made a huge impact in the last 100 years. He makes a difference in not only himself but to all citizens in america. The fact that he is a black president he is well educated. Barack stepped up when no one else did, he is number one. Obama influences this country because he is a man that is for education, and young adults making something of themselves. Obama makes me want to stay positive. In doing so I have big dreams and I can can do anything that I put my mind to.

Chelsea_1013 said...

Rosa Parks.. I believe Rosa Parks made a big impact on the History of america in the last 100years, because she refused to give her seat up to a white passanger on the bus. Rosa was "the first ladt of civil rights" and "the mother of the freedom movement". Rosa was tired of giving in, so she refused to be treat that way anymore. She finally decided it was time that everyone (no matter what age, color, relgion, and sex) was treated equally. She help with Martin Luther King jr. civil rights act, she enouraged him.