Saturday, September 11, 2010

What Does It Mean To Be An American?

World History

One of the things we discussed last week was stereotypes and how damaging they can be.  In the uproar about building mosques and burning Qu'rans, we found out that the majority of Americans do not know anything about Islam, and yet vehemently oppose it based on erroneous stereotypes.  Have you ever been stereotyped?  How did it make you feel?  Were the stereotypes correct?  Why do you think that people believe stereotypes rather than search out the truth?

All the recent drama in the news led me to the question, what does it mean to be an American?  Socially, what do we look like?  Economically, what is the American dream?  Politically, do our voices matter?  What are American values?   If we are a melting pot and a nation full of immigrants then why are some people so opposed to foreigners?  Is it xenophobia?   

After pondering these questions, I expect you to develop some theories about what it means to be an American. In at least two paragraphs using 5-7 well developed sentences per paragraph, (although you may certainly type more), take a stand and support your point of view with some facts. There is no wrong answer as long as you can justify your argument. I would suggest typing your answer in word or Google Docs to spell check it before you cut and paste it into the blog.

You will have two weeks to post.  If you do not have internet access at home, check out the Library during your lunch. If you already have what you want to type written out, it will take you no time at all to post.  I am also available after school if you need to stay for a bit to make sure you post on time.  Please remember that once you post, your work will be available for the rest of the class to see and you will get a grade for your work.  Use formal speech please, no text speak.


Ms D said...

Lets see if this works

Chelsea C. said...

From my past events I have been stereotyped by a new guidance councilor I had. I came into the guidance councilor's office with very bold, black eyeliner that day and the guidance councilor thought I was goth and assumed my friends were the same way as me in wearing black. This stereo type of statement was incorrect. Just because I liked wearing black did not mean I was goth or had friends who are the same as me in behavior and appearance. This really did not make me comfortable and instead this made me feel less confident in my taste of style.
I think people believe stereotypes rather than search out the truth because people are easily persuaded by the press and think all those who are different from them are wrong. Socially, we Americans look all different from every person around us. Economically, the American dream is to be on top of all countries in things, such as technology supported by wealth. Politically, our voices matter because every person has the right to speak their opinion, whether it's right or wrong to others in their point of view.
Even though America is a melting pot and a nation full of immigrants, people have xenophobia due to past records of terrorism and are then afraid that all foreigners are the same as the people, whom done the terrorist attack.

John Camenzind said...

I think what it means to be an american is that you abide by the laws. I think people who don't abide by the laws just don't know how lucky they are to live in america. Each american is different in their own way. I think economically the american dream is for every american to have a job and be happy. I think american values are laws by which we live by every day.I think it is xenophobia because people don't know who some people really are.

Aqeel B4 said...

Most American socially are like normal people with different races in them. THe American dream is a wealthy person with a nice accessories like houses and cars. Americans politically have very little say in very important things only people with high power can. American values are supposed to life and liberty and property and this is not still valued. Yes because they think they will cost them their jobs or bring diseases to them.

Unknown said...

Have i ever been sterotyped yes, and i didnt make me feel gud, it made me feel very upset that someone would used there time just to sterotype me. And when i found out about the sterotypes were false information. The reason why i think people rather belive in sterotypes than the truth beacuse people dnt hve the courage to go ask the person if its true.

To be american is to be free and more freedoms than any other place. The economically amercian dream is to have alot of house and being rich. i think politically are voices dnt matter because it up to the goverment. The values of american is hardwork be able to buy stuff with your money that you worked for and being able to claim what is yours.

abmoney said...

To me what it means to be an American is to be fair to every citizen in America. Stereotypes are not right to me. We shouldn’t base someone as something because of there race, color, or where they come from. To me if you are a citizen you deserve equal rights like every other American. If you are a foreigner you should become a citizen and you should receive equal rights. If you are not legal either become a citizen or go back to your original country.

I think that people today are lazy and don’t take the time to do research on people of another race. Because no one has any facts about other cultures they don’t understand they call them by a stereotypical name. Not all Islam’s are terrorist that want to bomb buildings. That is a stereotype. Not every Mexican man, woman, or child is an illegal immigrant. Not all Americans are racists. But the ones that are should learn about the other cultures.

EbonyA said...

What do I think it means to be American is freedom. I think of freedom because we have alot of rights and privileges that alot of conutries don't have. We have the right to speech, and even down to our clothing. Alot of women in other countires have too be fully cover up fully.

Economically i think Americas dream is to get out of money problems and to not worry about gas prices and war. I don't think our voices count politically because the government will make any decisions that they want. I think as Americans we should all be as one and stop discriminating and try to help the country financially. I think Americans values are money, power, and respect. The people that have all three are the main people who make it in the worl successfully.

I think it is xenophobia because alot of people think immigrants are taking alot of our jobs and shouldn't have the same rights as us.

D.Hatchett said...

What does it mean to be an American? I think everyone should have equal rights.Not all sterotypes are bad. Some can be good to some people. Most are bad and can hurt others.

I've been sterotyped in the past and I didnt feel equal to other. It could possible make others feel bad or less then others. Foreigners get this sometimes with people that have xenophobia. That can make people feel less and can hurt people.
Thats my opinon on the topic of being an American.

Unknown said...

Have I ever been stereotyped? I honestly don't know anyone who hasn't been, so my answer has to be yes. Depending on the stereotype I get, to me its either funny or pitiful. Were the people stereotyping correct? Not even once. How could they be correct just by looking at me for a couple of second or talking to me one time? People, in my opinion chose to believe the stereotypes rather than get the truth because of ignorance, maybe even sometimes because they are just to lazy to actually seek out the truth. It's sad really. What does it mean to be an American? To me, it means to be "free" if anyone is really ever free. We get to chose how we dress, rather it be punk, goth, prep, retro, or whatever. We can chose who we marry, boy, girl, or whoever. Economically, everyone wants more than what they've got. Not just in America either, that's all over the world. But it me it's saying that if your rich, you want to be richer. When you've got a good job, good pay, you always want more. More money , more stuff. Are our voices ever really heard? Do they even really change anything? Sometimes they do, but in general. Not so much. Unless your shown on TV or news nothing you say its ever really worth it to anyone but you. That's just my opinion, but if I were to stand up for something to a group of people, do you honestly think something positive would happen? I don't. So America is supposedly "The Melting pot"? How many people honestly think it truly is? Is it better now than it was in say the 40's-80's? Yes a lot better than it was with things like Gay Rights and things along those lines. As far as it goes with immigrants, I think its getting worse and worse because of all the illegal immigrants coming to the US now. Its just outraging people and making them want than out of here, illegal or not. People are scared, and they're scared because they don't know. They don't know because they choose not to find out. They think that the terrorists are just a whole nation, not a group of people so essentially its causing them to hate a nation and that's just wrong.

bsh said...

Yes I have been stereotyped. Honestly I didn't care because I don't care about what people think of me. The stereotypes werent all correct because people would think im stuck up or cocky just because of the people that I associtate myslef with. It's not true at all, I'm sweet and innocent. If you ask me to be an American means following the law.
Being a good citizen to your country. Also being an american is having a support system,a job, paying your bills on time, going through ups and downs, and just living your life. In society our voices to matter people we are the people and our voices can make a difference.

levi said...

Yes I've been stereotyped before, it made me feel a little worthless, a little sad, no they were'nt correct they were untrue and didnt apply to me at all, because it sounds more real and thats what society says its the right thing to do, i think they look like a mixture of rich, poor, and middle class, big house, a couple cars, kids grown and going to good schools, somewhat they matter, but not really on the other hand because we really dont have much of a say, material things and education is what americans value,there opposed because of the certain stereotypes that society puts on them,which is termed xenophobia. one time i can recall being sterotyped is when i went into a store and the owner of the store was following me around because of how i was dressed and because of my race, i think being an american means your free and you can make your own choices, we all have the ability to get access to good education and live a descent comfortable life.

Bria W. said...

Xenophobia:is the fear of foreigners. Many americans such as white&blacks are very paranoid about indian people or middleastern people.
what it means to be an american is to be free, many laws apply 7 they must be followed, many privileages are given & you must be associated with the common law. being an american is a honor because many men& women died to make this a free country. so being an american is too live in a free nation.

avepowell1 said...

Yes i have been stereotyped before. I went into a coner store. The owners of the store were constatly following me around. Most likely because I was black and the way I dressed that I was going to steal something. I had no attentions on taking anything. I Just went in there to buy some candy. I decided to buy the candy but just to prove a point. It made me feel like I was worst then the other people in the room. The streotypes were definately not correct. They are lazy, They do not want to take the time and really find out. They rather just make up there own stories and beleifs about people. We all look different. Socially an Amercian can look poor others look wealthy as well as average.

The Amercian dream in an economically sense would be wealthy. Being able to buy almost anything you wanted. No struggles for living. Bills are paid on time. Businesses doiing well. Stocks stay high and continue to increase. Sometimes in politics matter. But for the most part they do not. This is because some feel that they are right so when someone disagrees with them saying there wrong and saying that they do not matter just makes it easier for them. To be wrong in politics is the worst because it is broadcasted so that everyone knows. So they make people that say they are wrong not matter. The American values are basically the essentials. Such as food, water, a good education, a good paying job, family and of course religion. People are opposed to foreginers because of there past. Like for Pakistanis some are terrorists so they just assume that they all are. it all comes back to trust. As well as fear of the unknown. They just do not know much about these people. Yes it is. This is because they are scared to let them in our country they do not know there chances of anything like that happening again.

markstayfly said...

Ive have been stereotyped before when somebody started talking bout my teeth and how i have a gap. It made me feel sad but i was the person that never showed it. It didnt make me feel bad about myself because I was always the bigger person and I neverlet something like that get to me. I dont think the stereotypes was correct, especially about Americans. The reason why is because I dont think every American dont like Islam. I think that's not our fault why we dont know them and for the ones that do must have a reason why.

To be a American means to be a free person that have there rights to vote, speak, dress how you want and respect by your president and gonverment. To be a American also means that you have the right to own a business and own a house because some presidents in different country's done allow that to happen, basically having people equal.

Cameron C. said...

No, I have never been stereotyped. However, I do believe that people believe stereotypes rather than seek out the truth because they are afraid of what they feel is the unknown. What does it mean to be an American? To me, being an American is to believe that everyone is entitled to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. America is the great melting pot – yet another thing that makes this country great. In my opinion, the American dream is to live one’s live, however they so choose. In our democracy, our voices do matter, so long as American citizens exercise their right to vote. American values are to accept others who are different form ourselves with open arms.
In the United States, we have personal rights. Most notably, the First Amendment. The First Amendment is a marvelous thing. A recent event related to the First Amendment would be the planned Islamic community center and mosque to be located about two blocks from the World Trade Center site. Thanks to the First Amendment, Muslims have the right to build a place of worship wherever they see fit. In the same token, Pastor Terry Jones of Dove World Outreach Center has the right to hold a Qur’an burning. This is what makes our country great – the right to exchange opinions, no matter how controversial one’s opinions may seem.

Jessica L said...

I have been stereotyped for many different reasons. The one major thing I have been stereotyped for was what people say about Jamaicans. When people talk about us the first thing they mention is that they all have dreads, smoke weed and are crazy or bad people. Of course I say their stereotypes are incorrect because not all Jamaicans are like that nor do they all have dreads. Most people that have dreads, it’s for a specific reason. Furthermore, Jamaicans are not the only nationality that smokes nor are we crazy. I wish people weren’t so judgmental about people’s ethnic backgrounds because it’s not nice and more than half the things people say about certain people are not true. I think the reason people stereotype rather than search the truth is just because of the simple fact they don’t want to be proven wrong. I know a lot of people do not like to be proven wrong; they always want to be right.

I believe being an American simply means freedom. Socially, everyone in America looks different, acts different in their own unique ways and even sound different. Economically, the American dream is to get out of this recession we are currently in and to get things together and back on track. Politically, our voices do matter because everyone has their right to freedom of speech. America is a melting pot and the reason why is because of xenophobia. Americans are so opposed to foreigners because they stereotype. People get so caught up in the media and just assume that people who are not from America are terrorists. And so, stereotyping is the cause of many problems in America today.

Ashley T said...

I was once criticized for the way I talk to my friends. My teacher heard me use the word "drawling" in a different term. To me, it has two meanings. One, as the fact that you are actually drawling on something and two, that you are acting crazy or making a wrong decision. My reading teacher started to say that I was "ghetto" and that I should speak more properly. I admit, I was in school and I shouldn't not have been talking that way but i was speaking to my friends. Her assumption of me being "ghetto" was wrong. I may speak a different way at times but that doesn't mean that I'm different. I felt that she was already targeting me from the rest of the class. It made me feel awkward to speak but it did not stop me.
People rather beleive what they hear about stereotype situations instead of looking it up for research because they are scared of the truth. They are afraid that if they find that the truth is the complete opposite of what they believe, then they will look foolish. Economically, the American dream is to have our money problems gone. Industries make enough money to help the country and have extra money over for emergencies. Socially, we look disrespectful. When we attack an ethnicity for past events, the country that consists of that race will look at us in disgust and will feel that they do not want anything to do with us. Politically, our voices really don't matter. The government mostly wants money. If a certain race makes or collects a large amount of money for this country, the government will favor them more. If your ethinicity is known for making a low amount of money in this country, you mostly will not get favored for better things such as schools and jobs.
American values are the beliefs and morals of one who feels that there are some things important to them more than anything. For instance, someone may feel that education is the number one priorty for this country and someone else may feel that having fun and partying is important to life. People oppose to foreigners because they are afriad of the outcome if they trust them. Americans are afriad that they may become overpowered by foreigners and that they make decisions that will lead us to disaster. Being American means having morals, values, and beliefs that allow this country to prosper day by day. America is filled with many races and cultures and attacking one means your attacking this country as a whole.

Anonymous said...

Jasmarie B1
Luckily, i have not been stereotyped but i no a lot of people who have been and I know it doesn't feel good. I think that people should keep their thoughts and comments to themselves if it might hurt someones feelings. It really doesn't matter what you think about another person because, they were not put on this Earth for you to like them.
To me, what it means to be an American is freedom in all ways, the right to be respected and treated equally. Also, the right not to be stereotyped by anyone in any way! Socially, we all come in different shapes, sizes and colors and we all come from different parts of the world, which makes the U.S.A who it is. Economically, the common American dream is to have freedom, respect, money and a good life. People come to the United States everyday in the hopes of having a new and better life, and by all means they should have the right to. Politically, our voices should matter. In order for America to be all it can be the people have to stand up and speak for what they want to see. I do think people should have the right to speak their minds, but also be aware that it might cause controversy and you should pick the right words before speaking them. You should know fully what your talking about before you say it.
Even though America is a melting pot and full of immigrants, I think people are afraid we might let in a terrorist or the wrong people. I think they stereotype When it comes to immigrants and especially some of different nationalities.

Unknown said...

I haven't been stereotyped for nothing serious but i been judge when I tend to stare. Its not that i do it on propose, its just how I am. Some people tend it get a attitude problem. I believe if you got to know me, you would understand why I stare so much. I think people aren't correct and they do that because it will take away from meeting someone new.
A lot of people ask, what does it mean to be an American? To me i have no clue. All I know is that, we're suppose to have freedom and respect for everyone, but in reality, not ever one in America have that right. Socially, we all look different, but we're classify as the same thing. For example, you got some people who think all black people are bad and you got some people who think white people are crazy. Economically, the American dream at first, was to have a land in which life could be better and richer and fuller for everyone, with opportunity for each according to ability or achievements. Politically, our voices is suppose to matter, but it doesn't, if it did, then everyone would have say on what the law would be and wouldn't be.
The American values to me are Freedom, Equality, and Democracy. Xenophobia is the fear or hatred of foreigners. Not all people opposed to foreigners but some people may feel like they might take what they got like their job and you got some people who hate people just to hate them, that’s just how the world is.

Symone-4th Block

Anonymous said...

No, I haven’t been stereotyped person. I believe that people who are stereotype are wrong. Why would you even say anything bad about someone, if you don’t know them? It’s better if you actually search out the truth about the person. I mean if you just judge someone from the outside you wouldn’t know how they are from the inside if they are nice or mean. Searching out the truth about someone is very important then just saying something bad about someone. Lot of people just judges them from outside without knowing them personally. After knowing them personally, they change their perception. Just like some one said “don’t judge the book by its cover with out reading it”. Just like that don’t judge the person without knowing them.

To be an American it means to be a good person and help the community. Being an American is such a nice thing because you have your rights you can do what ever you like. Socially American are different I mean in America you see so many different cultural and different religions. You see such great designs, you have different types of music, you have lots of other places to see, and you can make lots of friends from different cultural. Economically American is more about money and jobs. Mostly here people come to make money and help there family from other countries. Also now the American dream is to get over this recession now. Many people are losing there jobs and people are losing money. Politically our voice does matter because we have the right of speech. Many people like to speak up and tell what we feel is right or wrong. So our voice does matter. American values are to treat each other with open arms no matter what race or religion you are. Many people have unknown fear of foreigners without knowing the truth or reality. Those people opposed foreigners many of them are children of immigrants. That’s what we call xenophobia.

Emily I. said...

I think being an American has a lot to do with being free. America is known for its freedoms; freedom of speech, freedom of religion, freedom of press, the right to vote. America has a lot of freedoms and I believe that your freedom is all there is to being an American. There is only one problem with this, how do you limit a person’s freedom? This typically leads to a lot of controversy. This is shown recently on the news when a pastor in Florida wished to burn the Islam’s holy books. Because of our freedoms the pastor felt he should be allowed to. If this is true Muslims should then be able to build a mosque at ground zero.
Stereotypes are also a part of America. People are stereotyped for everything from skin color to the books you read. It’s a part of life, it’s unnecessary but a part and the cause of most everything. I would also like to mention the American dreams in the terms of economy. When foreigners move to America it is typically to earn better money. America is seen as a rich country and most believe by moving and working here, they too will become rich. I believe this is why it is called a dream, because it is unrealistic.

nyra11 said...

Yes I've been stereotyped before. This has been done to me so many times if became a part of my life. Weather it was about my heritage, culture, or just the way I look. For the most part the stereotypes I've been held to hasn't been true. I'm an individual and I do not like being summed up to everybody or anybody that may seem similar to me. I believe we are all different. People believe stereotypes rather than seeking the truth because they are lazy. They settle for what they hear because it's easier, they feel as though what they heard is enough to pass judgement. Some may not even care enough about other cultures to learn more. A possible reason could be that people are afraid to know the truth about different cultures and ways that are not the same nor similar to their own. So figuring, the few left only want to know what they want to know. I guess you can call that selective learning. We are known as the melting pot, full of different types of people, backgrounds, life styles, religions, traditions, and cultures. Although we are all the above, that doesn't mean we know or excepting of each other.
Being an American means staying true to yourself. Excepting everything and learning from what is different from yourself. Being an American means working towards success and happiness. As a society we are all diverse. We do not look one certain way. We all dream of having a happy family, being full of success, happiness, and non or very few financial problems. Americans are given voices, and we use them to the fullest. I really don't think there are any issues that an American voice isn't in. We value life and what can accomplish, we are always looking for the next best thing. Even though we are all one we oppose foreigners mainly out of fear of replacement. We need to learn how to unite and add not divide so some one else can conquer.

kristianam said...

Yes i have been stereotyped, everyone has. I think people stereotype me about the people i hangout with. they would probably consider us as the popular kids when really were just like everyone else. people believe stereotypes because they don't want to take the time to figure it out themselves. i think people make the stereotypes because they don't actually know who these people are and they make something up and start to spread it. The stereotype could be about the way they look, dress, or even act.

To be an American means to be free. Americans look like anyone they can be any race any religion, any person basically. The American dream is to have good money, a good paying job, a nice house, and a family. Yes the reason people oppose foreigners is xenophobia, they don't know who they are, they have no idea where they came from, what there country’s about or what there country does.i think people should start to figure out who the person is before they stereotype them.

Deanna K said...

What does it mean to be an American? As an American all people are expected to be treated equally and have freedom. Under the constitution all people are to be united as one to represent the USA. For a nation that is supposed to be treated as one there is a lot of stereotyping and discrimination happening throughout the country. The opinions and values of Americans are ones that should be heard and taken into consideration.

To be an American means to live in a country full of unity and freedom, where all people are equal. All Americans should be treated equally yet so many have to deal with racial and religious discrimination and being stereotyped. Socially America is so diverse and is made up of every culture from around the world. Every religion and race can be found in someone in America. Since America doesn’t have one distinct race discrimination becomes a big issue. But if America has no distinct race or religion and everyone is different who is to say who belongs here and who doesn’t. Why it is that Muslim people or immigrants are looked at differently than everyone else. It’s because so many Americans are ignorant to the customs of people who are different and have different appearances than they do. Most people would rather walk around stereotyping a certain group than to really take the time to learn about their culture and realize they were wrong. For example Muslim people have been targeted ever since 9/11 but if people really took the time to learn about Muslims they would be surprised to know that it was a terrorist group who was responsible for 9/11 not Muslims in general.

Economically the American dream is for all Americans to be financially well off and debt free. So many Americans are homeless, living off welfare and are laid off because the economy is so bad. The government is in debt to other countries and doesn’t have enough money to take care of the citizens in need. Politically the American government doesn’t listen to the voices of what Americans truly want. America’s values are to ensure the safety of its people but they aren’t really being fulfilled due to the violence going on based on stereotyping and discrimination. If Americans took the time to learn about all the different cultures and realized that they live in a country where everyone was different the values of Americans would change. Less discrimination would occur and people would spend their time worrying about issues that really matter such as war and how bad the economy is rather than worrying about what religion someone is. To be an American is to be part of a nation of many people united under one constitution living in unity.

Unknown said...

To be an American means to be a person from an ignorant country that has no real moral values to which we all set our standards to. We rather take the time to worry about what is said in the media about stars then the deep throat-cut issues that surround the world in an omnious blanket of darkness and despair. Today people spend more time onfacebook and twitter than searching for answers to questions that need to be answered. Instead of finding out why the ar in Irqu has happened, we blame it on the events of nine-elven. Despite the scientific facts that support global-warming, people decide to pass it off as a man's way of trying to get people to vote for him since he lost the elections of 2004. What happened to the daysof scholars and wise philosphy? To be honest, they happened, people who care more aboutthemselves then the world around them. We are currently in our own dark age. Yes, we have technological advances. Yes, there are more studies proving that medical procedures can be reworked to cause less stress on the patient's body. Our dark age is not due to lack of advances, but lack of a major advancement: worldly awareness and self learning. I say this not to start a massive out break of anger towards myself and my private thoughts, I say this so that people who believe in what we are constantly told know that it is not always truth.

Nakea Janae * said...

I think that just about every human being has been stereotyped, whether it was because of their race, the color of their skin, their religion, the clothes that they wear, etc. I have been stereotyped on more than one occasion. People judge me based on the crowd of people that I hang around, thinking that I am just like them, when in reality, I am not. When people judge and stereotype me, I don’t let it get to me because I know that it is erroneous. If people actually took the time to get to know me, they wouldn’t have to judge me based on stereotypes, and untrue rumors that they hear about me.

My situation can be compared to the uproar about building mosques in New York. People’s heads have been filled with erroneous rumors about Islam. Because one group of Muslims terrorized our country, we now see all of them as “bad”. We have put a stereotype on Islam. Just because one group of Muslims chose to terrorize our country doesn’t mean that all Muslims are like that. So many rumors have been created about them, that people actually believe them. Majority of Americans know nothing about Islam. Instead, they choose to stereotype, and label all of them. People believe stereotypes rather than search out the truth because sometimes, people are afraid of the truth. They don’t want to know that they are wrong.

Being an American means that you live in a country where people would rather choose ignorance over knowledge. People judge without knowing, and put stereotypes on a group of people, when in fact, they know nothing about them. All Americans look different. When Americans see that someone is different than they are, they automatically see them as the “bad guy”, and of course, they think that they’re better than anyone who is different than they are. In my opinion, the American Dream is financial gain and a simple, fulfilling life. Nowadays, money means everything to Americans, and it’s even better when you are able to work less and still earn money. Americans go crazy without money. Politically, our voices do matter, but I think that the freedom of speech goes to peoples’ heads. They feel as though they can say whatever they please because it is their right. One good thing about being an American is that our voices do matter. American values differ from person to person, and that is because America’s population is diverse, with different cultures and religions. Two values that America shares is freedom and privacy, because both are guaranteed to each and every citizen of America. America is indeed a melting pot, and a nation full of immigrants, but so many people are so opposed to foreigners. It’s not xenophobia. It’s called stereotypes! People have no real reason to why they think that foreigners should be kicked out. They just see them as “different” and want them out! If we actually took a step back, and learned about different cultures, and about different people, I think that Americans wouldn’t judge people who are different than they are, and base them on stereotypes. Instead, they would want to know more, rather than choose ignorance over knowledge.

Becky said...

I have been sterotyped in my life but they were totally wrong about the sterotype. Even though they were wrong about the sterotype it still hurt knowing they thought of me differently. People sterotyper because they just judge you on what you look like instead of finding out what you are really like. Just like people judge a book by its cover.
Being an American to me means that you should be treated equally and you can be free. Having all of the American rights also makes you feel like an American. Socially as an American have a different voice of oppinion. I think economically Americans dream about being succesful. Politically i think all Americans opinions count and everyone should be heard. Noone should be put down about their choice or opinion because we should all be treated equally.

Anonymous said...

No, I haven’t been stereotyped person. I believe that people who are stereotype are wrong. Why would you even say anything bad about someone, if you don’t know them? It’s better if you actually search out the truth about the person. I mean if you just judge someone from the outside you wouldn’t know how they are from the inside if they are nice or mean. Searching out the truth about someone is very important then just saying something bad about someone. Lot of people just judges them from outside without knowing them personally. After knowing them personally, they change their perception. Just like some one said “don’t judge the book by its cover with out reading it”. Just like that don’t judge the person without knowing them.

Has anyone ever thought what does it actually mean to be an American? To be an American it means to be a good person and help the community. Being an American is such a nice thing because you have your rights you can do what ever you like. Socially American are different I mean in America you see so many different cultural and different religions. You see such great designs, you have different types of music, you have lots of other places to see, and you can make lots of friends from different cultural. Economically American is more about money and jobs. Mostly here people come to make money and help there family from other countries. Also now the American dream is to get over this recession now. Many people are losing there jobs and people are losing money. Politically our voice does matter because we have the right of speech. Many people like to speak up and tell what we feel is right or wrong. So our voice does matter. American values are to treat each other with open arms no matter what race or religion you are. Many people have unknown fear of foreigners without knowing the truth or reality. Those people opposed foreigners many of them are children of immigrants. That’s what we call xenophobia.

NakeaB. said...

Just about every human being has been stereotyped, whether it was because of their race, the color of their skin, their religion, the clothes they wear, etc. I have been stereotyped on more than one occasion, where people have judged me based on the crowd of people that I chose to hang around. When people judge and stereotype me, I pay it no mind because I know that it is erroneous, and if people actually took the time to get to know me, they wouldn’t have to judge me based on stereotypes.

My situation can be compared to the uproar about building mosques in New York. The minds of Americans have been corrupted with erroneous rumors about Islam. Just because one group of people, that just happened to be Muslim, chose to terrorize our country, that doesn’t mean that all of Islam is like that. We have put a stereotype on Islam. Majority of Americans know nothing about Islam. Instead, they choose to stereotype, and label all of them as “terrorists”. People believe stereotypes rather than search out the truth because people are afraid of the truth, and don’t want to know that they are wrong. Being an American means that you live in a country where people would rather choose ignorance over knowledge. People judge without knowing, and put stereotypes on a group of people, when in fact, know nothing about them. All Americans look different, and when they see someone that is different than they are, they automatically see them as the “bad guy”.

In my opinion, the American Dream is for everyone to have equal opportunities, and to also be treated equally, but that is no where near coming true because stereotyping has corrupted our land. Everyone thinks that they are better than everyone else because they are “different”. Politically, our voices do matter, but where do we draw the line? In America, people have the right to say whatever they want. People stereotype other people, and of course, we have those who believe the stereotypes. American values differ from person to person, and that is because America’s population is diverse, with different cultures, but a value that all Americans share is freedom, which is guaranteed to all citizens of America. America is indeed a melting pot, and a nation full of immigrants, but so many people are opposed to foreigners. It’s not xenophobia. It’s called stereotypes! If we actually took a step back, and learned about cultures, I think that Americans wouldn’t stereotype people who are different than they are. Instead, they would want to know more about them, rather than choose ignorance over knowledge.

NakeaB. said...

Just about every human being has been stereotyped, whether it was because of their race, the color of their skin, their religion, the clothes they wear, etc. I have been stereotyped on more than one occasion, where people have judged me based on the crowd of people that I chose to hang around. When people judge and stereotype me, I pay it no mind because I know that it is erroneous, and if people actually took the time to get to know me, they wouldn’t have to judge me based on stereotypes.

My situation can be compared to the uproar about building mosques in New York. The minds of Americans have been corrupted with erroneous rumors about Islam. Just because one group of people, that just happened to be Muslim, chose to terrorize our country, that doesn’t mean that all of Islam is like that. We have put a stereotype on Islam. Majority of Americans know nothing about Islam. Instead, they choose to stereotype, and label all of them as “terrorists”. People believe stereotypes rather than search out the truth because people are afraid of the truth, and don’t want to know that they are wrong. Being an American means that you live in a country where people would rather choose ignorance over knowledge. People judge without knowing, and put stereotypes on a group of people, when in fact, know nothing about them. All Americans look different, and when they see someone that is different than they are, they automatically see them as the “bad guy”.

In my opinion, the American Dream is for everyone to have equal opportunities, and to also be treated equally, but that is no where near coming true because stereotyping has corrupted our land. Everyone thinks that they are better than everyone else because they are “different”. Politically, our voices do matter, but where do we draw the line? In America, people have the right to say whatever they want. People stereotype other people, and of course, we have those who believe the stereotypes. American values differ from person to person, and that is because America’s population is diverse, with different cultures, but a value that all Americans share is freedom, which is guaranteed to all citizens of America. America is indeed a melting pot, and a nation full of immigrants, but so many people are opposed to foreigners. It’s not xenophobia. It’s called stereotypes! If we actually took a step back, and learned about cultures, I think that Americans wouldn’t stereotype people who are different than they are. Instead, they would want to know more about them, rather than choose ignorance over knowledge.

Jessica D. said...

Being an American should mean we live in a country that contains and accepts a wide range of nationalities, ethnicities, and religions. However, many didn’t get the memo. Many in this country are rather hateful of others, almost always having a root of fear. People will fear that a certain group of people will destroy something in some way – whether it be government, marriage, a religion, how we live our lives – and are controlled by whomever told them the xenophobic lie. Yes, being in America we do allow people to think these things. However, that does not make it right and even more so when it’s done out of ignorance.
If America was the “greatest nation in the world” as some claim it to be, then our education system would be much greater than it is. We also wouldn’t have people crying “Socialist!” when the president attempts to make a change that would benefit many, and not just the rich. We wouldn’t be continuing to fight our civil war through the Democratic and Republican parties. Being an American means that we think for ourselves without hopping onto a bandwagon and rolling with it. We should do our own research for questions we want answered and especially make sure our sources aren’t biased. That, to me, is what being an American is.

Unknown said...

Being an American means being 62.5% Italian and looking like me: blonde hair, blue eyes, and fair skin. It means that whoever you are or wherever you come from, you can be completely messed up like the rest of us. That is, it should mean these things. I don’t think there is such thing as an American anymore. When you ask someone where they’re from, and they’ll say that they’re Polish or Irish or something along these lines. People very rarely say, “I’m an American.” America seems to have become a place that is just lots of people in one spot, not a certain kind of people.

As for the topic of stereotypes, one of my friends will tell people that she’s a German and Irish woman. Don’t mess with her. I, on the other hand, like to tell people I’m a German, Irish, Italian woman. Not only shouldn’t you mess with me, but I know people. These are stereotypes, but they’re also jokes we make at ourselves. I think that when it comes to stereotypes, you run into that “I-can-make-fun-of-my-brother-but-you-can’t” issue. It’s a tricky subject that many people don’t agree on.

tiesha235 said...

Being stereotyped is neither fun nor comforting. When I moved to NJ this was the first thing everybody did, place me in a category they thought I would “fit” into. When you are new or surrounded by people you don’t know this can be very awkward. It makes you feel out of place and in some situations even unsafe! In my situation it made me feel mad and angry because everybody just fallowed the gossip and rumors. The stereotypes made about me were not true but many believed they were. I think people don’t take the time to see if they are true or get to know you because it’s always easier to go with the flow. Some don’t want to step out and get to know you because then they can be targeted; many don’t want to take that risk.
Everybody wants to be American but why? Being American is supposed to give you equal rights, and to right to be able to voice your opinion but this is semi false. Politically Americans have a lot of problems to work out but is fairly good at listening to their peoples voices. We at least have the right to vote and express our individuality. On the other hand Americans also have no values, to an extent. Americans now have taken rights for granted and forgot the hardships it took to get the rights they now have. Other countries live where their rights are still not acknowledged; these are the people that glorify America! Socially Americans have a wide range of customs and religions all living together but this doesn’t mean they are treated the same even though they are suppose to. An example is when some religions like Islam in some states is said to be in text books to much. I don’t understand how this is, when American states teach United States History for at least one year in middle school, and two years in high school, while other cultures and religions are officially taught in one year of high school. If textbooks have too much on Islam or other cultures why is it that other countries know English and can speak it properly than most Americans can? The average American knows only two other dialects? Socially America is well known ,but America’s morals you can say are not completely the American idea. Honestly I believe America has too much social power. The definition of America depends on one’s self and standards.

dcvelez said...

When people are asked what, it means to be an American there are many different answers that are said. To me I don’t know what it’s like to be an American. I’m not American I come from a different background different culture, it’s a totally different world where I come from then here. In my eyes an American is someone that is respectful has a loyalty to their country and it’s able to understand the difference of the people but I know only in my dream. There are those who actually are good American but there are some who are ignorant and just by ear try to know everything about the people around them. They don’t care to find out if what they are told is true or a lie, they just go with it, and that is wrong. Like stereotypes they have a different able for any kind of people in their eyes, I believe that they blindness of the stereotype needs to stop because in the end other people will look at you and think that you don’t know half of the things you talk about that you assume instead of looking for the fact.

But I have respect for America, it’s like a mother that has taken me in and opens many doors of opportunities good and bad ones. I believe that been an American must mean freedom, people been treated equal, been the nation of wealth as many other countries look upon this one. Yet, I’m not going to lie, I don’t feel like Americans treat one another equally. This country is filled with immigrant yet, there are people who discriminate us for coming from a different land. But I wonder and stand by the question that I ask when people call me an immigrant. Where do you come from? Your ancestor? There is no such thing a “PURE” American and I think that is one of the biggest fault people have. If been an American means open door to people from a different race from a different background we should not discriminate or judge against them. It changes the whole point of view on what is like to be someone from this country. I don’t understand why people can judge and discriminate one-another, we are all human, flesh and bones. Our culture our differences do not make who we are, they are just a part of us, we did not choose to be Spanish, Asian, African American, or any other race. It was just our destiny sort of speaking of where we turned out to be. This country is known to receive with open arms to those who need it, where possibilities are available, but I think that some people like you and I need to sit down and think about the right and wrong, and how we judge people without knowing them. That to me has not been an American. The ignorance that most people should change and try to understand that having a different background does not mean you’re not an American, it means you’re an American but with a different culture.

Zana. R said...

To be an American is said to have freedom. Everyone, all having equal rights. America is the place where people come for a better life and a better job opportunity. Here, we are made up of all different ethnic groups and religions. We’re aloud to practice our own individual religions and beliefs. Although we have freedom it doesn’t stop stereotyping and ignorance. Most Americans are quick to pre-judge somebody before they take the time to get to know them or what they’re about.

People can say they’ve never been stereotyped, but they could never really know. A stereotype is someone’s opinion of you or your ethnic group without getting to know you, and just going by how you look, act or what you believe in. Instead of taking the time out to learn about someone, most Americans would rather make up stories of what they think is true or just listen to other peoples stories. America is so diverse but there always seems to be separation somewhere wherever you go. The separation can be due to past situations, or personal encounters with a specific race or religion, but it doesn’t make it right to blame a specific ethnic group of people for someone else’s mistakes of that same or similar ethnicity. I can admit to not knowing much about a lot of different religions or cultures, but it doesn’t make me want to judge them. If anything, it would make me curious to look up information on them so I can be educated enough to know what is fact and opinion on the different types of people that quickly get judged and talked about.

Socially, we look diverse and even can share the same jobs but it doesn’t make us understanding of each other’s personal life and beliefs. We honestly don’t have to understand someone else’s personal belief, but we should respect it and be tolerant. We have the right to practice any belief so we also should have the respect when practicing that belief. Economically, we can judge the jobs certain people have because of their race, but it doesn’t always make it true especially if we all have equal opportunities. Politically, all of our voices matter and should be taken into consideration because if we all live here and we share the same rights. We’re all Human beings. We may look, sound, dress, and think differently or have different beliefs but it doesn’t make us any lees human than anyone else in this world.

Dasia said...

What does it mean to be an American? Being an american is having equal rights and to be able to have freedom, but as long as its legal and your following the law. I feel if you are not from America and you are not legal, you should go through the process of being a legal citizen. Problems arise because Americans are not open minded, they put people in different categories and stereotype.

Personally i have not been stereotyped, but people believe in stereotypes instead of getting to know a certain person. They do this because people just hate being wrong. They do not want to know the truth of how a certain person really is, they just want to go by what they have been taught and what they know.

Economically, the American dream is to have financial problems situated, stop wars and have equality with everyone. If everything is equal there would be no more complaining and worries. Politically, our voices do not count, its up to the government to solve everything. Socially, we look like a country with freedom, but sometimes take it for granted.
Therefore, being an American is more then having freedom.

Anonymous said...

An American is any person that shares the ideology that all men were created equal with certain unalienable rights to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. It is the American ideology for civil liberties, fairness, and diplomacy that make you an American. Being an American is more than the convenience of being born here or emulating “California Girls”, “the Jersey Shore” and people like “Bernie Madoff”. We all strive for the best in ourselves, be it a millionaire by thirty; a white picket fence; or making millions designing a hot new product. Unfortunately, some disagree. Haters view us as uncouth pretentious hypocritical amoral capitalists. Our foreign policies extend beyond our former president’s ambitions in nosing around Iran and Iraq with some misguided sense of nationalism and then creating a crusade against “terrorists”. Our comeuppance is not that of a damned, infidel nation; it is a fate of beauty, wisdom, and prosperity that each American strives for.

As the most influential nation in the world, we have power within the UN, global economy, foreign war policies, and global media. When I was in England, our tour guide was talking about British parliament and its similarities to American government…and at some point she mentioned how New York was becoming something like a city-state. Now that I think about it, I remember an Irish student talking to me about his favorite shows on Nickelodeon and Cartoon Network. I was and still am surprised at how well versed the world (or at least the little parts of Europe I visited) seems to be with our society and economy. I thought wow; they watch our tv and read up on our current events, why don’t I know that much about their countries?!? In fact, China has more honors students than America has students… and I bet they can hold an intelligent discussion about American politics in fluent English. The world recognizes our position as a global power and being an American—a true American entails the responsibility of upholding those expectations the world has for us and exhibiting the truest standards for fairness, respect, and nationalism we can conceive within ourselves.

Anonymous said...

An American is any person that shares the ideology that all men were created equal with certain unalienable rights to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. It is the American ideology for civil liberties, fairness, and diplomacy that make you an American. Being an American is more than the convenience of being born here or emulating “California Girls”, “the Jersey Shore” and people like “Bernie Madoff”. We all strive for the best in ourselves, be it a millionaire by thirty; a white picket fence; or making millions designing a hot new product. Unfortunately, some disagree. Haters view us as uncouth pretentious hypocritical amoral capitalists. Our foreign policies extend beyond our former president’s ambitions in nosing around Iran and Iraq with some misguided sense of nationalism and then creating a crusade against “terrorists”. Our comeuppance is not that of a damned, infidel nation; it is a fate of beauty, wisdom, and prosperity that each American strives for.

As the most influential nation in the world, we have power within the UN, global economy, foreign war policies, and global media. When I was in England, our tour guide was talking about British parliament and its similarities to American government…and at some point she mentioned how New York was becoming something like a city-state. Now that I think about it, I remember an Irish student talking to me about his favorite shows on Nickelodeon and Cartoon Network. I was and still am surprised at how well versed the world (or at least the little parts of Europe I visited) seems to be with our society and economy. I thought wow; they watch our tv and read up on our current events, why don’t I know that much about their countries?!? In fact, China has more honors students than America has students… and I bet they can hold an intelligent discussion about American politics in fluent English. The world recognizes our position as a global power and being an American—a true American entails the responsibility of upholding those expectations the world has for us and exhibiting the truest standards for fairness, respect, and nationalism we can conceive within ourselves.

saram93 said...

I believe that to be an american is to believe you can do anything, be anything, and express yourself freely.I think this because that is the idoilogy of America.I believe that when people think of americans i dont think they think of any kind of persone pecifically, that they think just of a bunch of people in a lage group all of different ethinicgroups.The american economically is for everybody to be good in a middle class not rich but not anywhere near being poor.It is for all to live comfortable and not have to worry to much. An example was how it was before the great deppression happened.
I believe that americans do believe that everyone of our voices matter. I beleive that every american beleives that their voice are being heard and that they will be heard and something will happen if they do speack up. I believe that Americas value is in making money. That the country main goal is to make more money. The other value would be to make sure everybody has freedom and a fair and equal chance at anything no matter what your race is. People are opposed to foreigners because now that people are comming into the country and working hard at jobs because they really need the jobs so they end up taking anything the can get with whatever the owner wants to pay them. This will cause a greater compatition in the job market which we have enough of already. So the people aren't afraid of foreigners they are just afraid they would lose their jobs to them.

candicem said...

What it means to be an American is to have total freedom,to be treated equally as everyone else. To really have the right to say what you really feel and what you really mean, not to be afraid of expressing yourself. To be an American is to actually get the chance to be who you want to be, with no fears. For example in the past immagrants used to come over to America to get a fair shot at life, to get all the freedoms they should naturally have that thier country wouldn't give them. Being that I am a American I take alot of things for granted but as I sit here and really think I realized I have the oppurtunity to be anybody I want to be, theres nobody telling me who I have to be in life. Being a American I can really be me, I can be a vet if I want to be, I can wear the shortest skirt I can find if I want. There are no limits, so being an American to me is having total freedom and the ablity to express myself and to show the world who the inner Candice really is.

Socially Americans look very diverse, everybody is trying new things and cultures and relgions. I think if someone came over here from a different country the culture shock would really hit them. When you walk down the street you can sort of tell a American from a nonamerican just by the way they walk and talk. Like we as Americans look at life in other way, we kinda just go with the flow with no cares and no worries. Economically alot of people think the American dream is to have the house with the white picket fence, with the stay at home mom. I'm not saying theres anything wrong with that, but to me the American dream is to just be successful or just to achieve thier dreams. If your dream is to be a little farmer, be a farmer live your american dream and not someone elses. Politically our voices do matter being that we have a democracy every voice is heard. No one is just a number or a face they are a hard working American citizen whos vote counts. So to me being an American is having freedom and having the right to be you.

Unknown said...

In the past, I have been stereotyped a few times before.I have been stereotyped so many times that I really don't know where to start.I am going to tell you about my freshmen year.
My freshmen year was a crazy year for me.A girl had came up to me and said there have been people commenting on my sexuality because I guess they felt that I didn't look like I played basketball as well as I do.When the girl had told me this I kind of thought she was making it up because she didn't like me and I didn't like her.Finally, at the end of the day I found out someone was really going around saying I was gay.
Secondly, after I found out that there was rumors being spread about me in the school when I barely knew anyone made me upset.I was so upset and embarrassed I was ready to come back to Florence schools where I knew everyone there.Something else about me is when I hear something going around about me I get really upset and it's hard to calm me down.
Last but not least,everyone found out that the rumor was not true.I even became an associate with her,so basically I stereotyped on her too because I just thought she was the kind of person that just want fights to happen.I am glad no more of this occurs. I am so glad to be an American

kathleen said...

Sure I get stereotyped. Their mostly just friendly jokes, well the ones people tell me. I brush them off, but it makes me think that those people are labelling me something in their head to make things simpler. So they don't have to go out of their way to have a conservation with me as to why I do the things I do. Why I think the way I think. It's much easier for people to stay ignorant

I believe that being an American means that we can always improve. We as citizens have to push for reform. We will never be happy with our country completely, especially not all of us at once. That's what makes us great. We can stride forward in our communities, state and county. Socially, we look like the entire world. We are everyone, and then we are not. Economically, the American dream is to be financially independent. Politically, yes our voices matter. But we are louder in our own communities and even louder if we type it up and make it viral. We value our independence, education, opportunity, and privacy. Even though we are a melting pot and a nation full of immigrants, I think people are opposed because their afraid it might make our country worse than it already is. I wouldn't say all of it is xenophobia. I feel like if someone who would normally oppose immigrants illegally being here, they would be more than happy to help out their cousin from Austria stay here. If that were the case for most people then its not really xenophobia because they would be contradicting themselves.

Unknown said...

In the past, I have been stereotyped a few times before. I have been stereotyped so many times I don't evern know where to start. I am going to tell you about my freshman year.
When I was a freshman, I was stereotyped. One day a girl came up to me and said there had been people commenting on my sexuality. Throughout basketball season many people thought I was gay because I think they thought I looked too much like a girlie girl then to be a basketball player. This made me feel so miserable and embarrassed to walk around the school listening to as much gossip and rumors about so much people. The situation even made me not even want to finish the rest of my school time in that school. I even came home and told my mom about the situation.
The stereotype was not correct and will never in my life be correct, why is it because I rather wear a jersey than an apron? To this day me and the girl who came up to me to tell me what happened is one of my aquaintances. I am happy nobody sees me like this anymore, I'm so proud to be an American.

JovanL said...

To be an American is to have the luxuries other countries have yet to achieve. As Americans we have freedom of speech, religion, protest, and many other freedoms we don’t recognize throughout our daily lives. Being an American doesn’t give your ethnicity, gender, sexual preference or yearly income, it shows that you are part of the country and have the choice of who will lead the country for the next four years to come. Other countries live under dictatorship where people can’t speak out of line about certain topics less they be tortured, while we have freedom of speech. Although some believes are frowned upon, for example, being an atheist, if a person of faith were to attack you a police officer would defend you. As Americans we can truly be ourselves without worrying about life consequences.
A group of Americans aren’t people you can describe in one word or give a summary about with a thirty minute documentary. Everyone has chosen their own life styles and live by different morals, different religions and have different back ground history. To describe an American from one area followed by describing another American in a different area will result in a misunderstanding as to who is the American. The only way to give a broad statement on who is an American is one who lives in America. There is no exception to foreigners who travel to America, everyone has the right to become an American. Finally to be an American, you have an equal opportunity to succeed and have a passion to achieve any desired dream you please.